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About Us


I grew up in the church and preached my first message in the church at the age of 8 but, I grew to get into other things. I began to look for solace and direction in drugs, education etc. 

I felt the Lord calling me back at the age of 25 years but it wasn’t going to be into the church like I had known it. I had followed the Evangelical, Pentecostal and Orthodox “movements” all my life but I knew there was something more. 


I am sent to a disenfranchised group of people. A new generation of young people, prospering on fire for God but mostly coming from difficult backgrounds. 


Some years ago, we started to speak to this set of people about three of them, to begin with, now these young men and women have increased to over 2000 people, in each service. Currently, we
operate with over 200 ordained Ministers and Pastors and we
operate about 17 community units across London. 


According to the BBC, nothing like this has ever been seen before. Young people coming to surrender to Christ and gang leaders and members coming to church to give up their weapons, drugs etc on the altar.


Financial times and many other television channels in the UK have recorded and reported what God is doing. We have encouraged the creation of over 40 businesses as we help do create alternative lifestyles for young people in politics, business, finance, education etc. 


Our goal: ”To see a generation liberated from poverty, young people transforming their community from despair to hope. This is NXTION FAMILY”.


I welcome you to this site and I hope you have a delightful experience browsing. We have done all according to scriptures. 
We are a set of uncompromising, non- conformists. We love God and love people.

We aim to have Community Units in all 33 boroughs of london."CU's" are an integral part of the community providing support for youth.

Our goal from the start of the year was to save "4000 souls"  by the end of

2018. We are now in 2019.

We have reached our £1,000,000 target for the year 2018. this is Unprecedented, never before

seen by youth.

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